Sports for the Disabled (2025)

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Sports for the disabled encompass a broad spectrum of athletic activities tailored to accommodate individuals with diverse physical, sensory, and intellectual disabilities. Some sports are created specifically to cater for disabled athletes, others a modification of mainstream sports.

Sports for the Disabled (2) amputee runner

These sports provide opportunities for participation, competition, and personal development, fostering inclusion and empowerment within the disabled community. Here is a list of

Team Sports for the Physically Disabled

  • Wheelchair Basketball — basically regular basketball played on a wheelchair.
  • Wheelchair Rugby — a full-contact indoor team sport conducted for players with disabilities.
  • Wheelchair Rugby League — a version of rugby league football but played using a wheelchair.
  • AFL Wheelchair — a wheelchair version of Australian Football, played between two teams of five.
  • Wheelchair Tennis — a version of lawn tennis for those who have lower body disabilities.
  • Wheelchair Curling — a variation of curling in which athletes with a disability affecting their lower limbs use a wheelchair to play the sport.
  • Wheelchair Cricket — a modified version of cricket for wheelchair athletes.
  • Wheelchair Dancing — all of the participants of a team perform dance routines while riding in a wheelchair.
  • Powerchair Football — indoor football for people in wheelchairs.
  • Power Hockey — like ice hockey but played in an electric wheelchair on a basketball court.
  • Sledge Hockey — ice hockey on double-blade sledges for people with physical disabilities on the lower body.
  • CP Football — the adaptation of association football for disabled athletes, the 7-a-side version is for athletes with cerebral palsy or similar.
  • Amputee Football — a version of Association Football for players with lower extremity amputations.
  • Sitting Volleyball — also known as Paralympic volleyball, it is volleyball played while sitting on the ground.
  • Seatball — a sport like sitting volleyball for disabled and non-disabled athletes, played on a larger court and allowing for the ball to bounce once between touches (also called Sitzball or Sitball).

Individual Sports for the Disabled

  • Wheelchair Fencing — a version of fencing in which disabled athletes fight with thin swords while sitting in wheelchairs that are tightly fastened to the floor.
  • Para Badminton — versions of badminton for disabled athletes, either standing, in a wheelchair, or played while sitting.
  • Paratriathlon — involves a 750 m swim, a 20 km bike with handcycles, bicycles or tandems with a guide, and a 5 km wheelchair or running race.
  • Para-Cycling — cycle racing events using adaptations for disabled athletes, such as tandem bikes and hand-cycling.
  • Para-Climbing — Sport Climbing for disabled athletes.
  • Para Table Tennis — a version of table tennis adapted for disabled athletes, such a physical disability, intellectual disability or wheelchair users.
  • Powerlifting — Paralympic sport
  • Boccia — a ball sport similar to bocce, bowls, and pentanque for athletes with physical disabilities.

Team Sports for the Deaf

  • Deaf Basketball — basketball that is played by the hearing impaired. Players use sign language to communicate with each other including the refs.

Sports for the Blind

  • Goalball — a Paralympic sport for blind athletes using a ball with bells.
  • 5-a-side football (blind football) — one of the versions of Paralympic Football is a 5-a-side game for blind or visually impaired Athletes.
  • Torball — a team sport for the visually impaired with an inflated ball with bells inside. The aim is to throw the ball through the opponent's goal line.
  • Blind Cricket — a modified version of cricket for blind athletes with a larger ball with bells inside.
  • Showdown — a game for blind and visually impaired people similar to air hockey.
  • Swish — a version of table tennis for blind athletes.

Track and Field Events for the Disabled

  • Club Throw — a track and field disabled sports event, the objective is to throw a wooden club as far as possible.
  • Softball Throw — a track and field discipline in which you throw the ball as far as possible, mostly used in competitions for disadvantaged groups as a substitute for other technical throwing events.
  • Racerunning — a track and field racing sport for disabled athletes, in which they use a specially designed tricycle.
  • Ice Sledge Racing — a winter Paralympic sport in which contestants use a lightweight sledge and propel themselves using two poles.
  • Wheelchair Racing — a type of racing in which athletes with physical disabilities compete with the help of a wheelchair.
  • Wheelchair Slalom — navigating in a wheelchair through a course with challenging obstacles.

Related Pages

  • Sports of the Paralympics which includes several wheelchair sports.
  • Discontinued Paralympic Sports and Events
  • Parasports at the Commonwealth Games
  • Disabled Sports Major Events
  • Major events for deaf athletes
  • Disabled Athletes at the Summer Olympics
  • Fitness Testing for Specific Populations
  • Complete List of Sports

Any comments, suggestions, or corrections? Please let us know.

Sports for the Disabled (2025)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.